Sunday, July 25, 2010
Calico Tiger Kitten Vs Guinea Pig
Rosalie, our long haired calico tiger cat...loved to play with the guinea pig, when she was a tiny kitten. There was no danger of her hurting the guinea pig back then, she was such a tiny kitten!

Thursday, July 8, 2010
Cute Little Calico Tiger Cat
Here's a picture of our calico tiger cat, Rosalie. She looks so content sleeping. I love the way she's got her front paws all stretched out in front of her. This cat looks very comfortable. Sometimes the easiest time to take pictures of your pets is when they are asleep!

You can see a little bit of our shitzu in the background, trying to soak some heat off the cat. That dog really never goes to far from the cat.

You can see a little bit of our shitzu in the background, trying to soak some heat off the cat. That dog really never goes to far from the cat.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Cute Little Gray Tiger Kitten
Our gray tiger cat Wyatt is far from a kitten these days, but here are some shots of him when he was much younger.

We built him that scratching post so he could vent some of his energy. He sure had fun tearing that thing up! It's always a good idea to give your cats something they can scratch, particularly if they do not go outdoors.

We built him that scratching post so he could vent some of his energy. He sure had fun tearing that thing up! It's always a good idea to give your cats something they can scratch, particularly if they do not go outdoors.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Caught Taking a Cat Nap

When our cat Wyatt, was younger, he would fall into a very hard, deep sleep. You could poke at him and pose him without him waking. One day our daughter took advantage of one of those times, and shot this picture of him taking a little cat nap.
It's so good to have pets around the house. Here is a case of a pet inspiring creativity in a young child. Pets are definitely a healthy addition to any family!
Friday, June 25, 2010
DSH Tiger Cat Hams it up!
Last night I was playing around with the digital camera, out in our backyard. Our Tiger cat, Wyatt, loves it when we're outside...so he started to ham it up a bit for the camera. Unfortunately, after not too long, I think I started to bore him. Check out the following series of pictures and see if you agree.

Any cat lover will tell tell you, that sometimes cats are way too cool to be bothered by anything. This tiger cat is no exception.

Any cat lover will tell tell you, that sometimes cats are way too cool to be bothered by anything. This tiger cat is no exception.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Adorable Picture of Kitten Hiding in The Couch
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Having Pets is Like a 3 Ring Circus
Anyone who has more than one cat or dog, will tell you, sometimes it's like a 3 ring circus! There is always some animal running around or jumping over or on something, they shouldn't be near. One day, our cats and dog lined up perfectly for this cute photo. I think the picture illustrates the 3 ring circus feel perfectly.

The more pets you have, the more like a circus or a zoo, your home will become. It sure is fun living with animals though.

The more pets you have, the more like a circus or a zoo, your home will become. It sure is fun living with animals though.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Shitzu in the Tub
Any pet owner will tell you, bath time for cats and dogs can be a trying ordeal. While animal baths tend to be stressful for both pet owner and pet, they can certainly provide some great photo and video opportunities. Here's an adorable picture of our Shitzu Lacey getting a bath, when she was a puppy.

Monday, June 21, 2010
Hiding Tiger Cat

When you look at this picture of Wyatt, our DSH Tiger cat, you can almost hear him thinking,"If I close my eyes, you won't be able to see me at all". Any pet owner can tell you, that animals find the darnedest places to hide. This cat is no exception, you never know where this sneaky feline will be lurking.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
A Dog and Her Kitten
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Our Shitzu Loves Cats
Here are some pictures of Lacey, the family shitzu, with Sophie the cat. Sophie was a very ornery old cat, very set in here ways. That didn't stop the dog from snuggling right up to her! This dog demands attention from everyone, and everything! I suppose that's a typical shitzu personality trait.

We've got so many cute pet pictures and videos, to share with you on this blog. I hope all you animal lovers will keep visiting, because it will be updated regularly.

We've got so many cute pet pictures and videos, to share with you on this blog. I hope all you animal lovers will keep visiting, because it will be updated regularly.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Kitten in The Window

Just a couple more great pet photographs. This is Rosalie when she was a kitten, getting into trouble in the kitchen window. This little cat looks like she belongs in a pet calendar! I'm sure most pet owners who have a digital camera handy, could piece together great animal calendars. The biggest problem is that pets are often much quicker than the camera.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Tiny Kitten Gets a Big Drink
We shot this cute video when Rosalie was a kitten. It's funny to see such a tiny kitten with such a big water dish, but we already had an adult cat and a dog using that water dish. No point taking up extra space with a kitten sized water dish. All of you pet owners know, that the cost of pet supplies adds up quickly!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Prowling the Gardens
Friday, June 11, 2010
Pets Nap Time
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Dog and Cat on Guard Duty
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Dog Taunts Kitten With Toy
Cat and dog together, playing with a toy. Don't you just love it!? When Rosalie was a kitten, Lacey would carry toys in her mouth and try to tempt the frisky kitten. Just as the kitten would pounce, the dog would dash out of the way. The two of them still play like this, but no where near as often.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Adorable Kitten in Flower Pot
Monday, June 7, 2010
Dog and Cat in Love
This dog and cat spend almost all of their time together. The dog (Lacey) loves it when the cat licks her like this. When Rosalie was a kitten, she would try to nurse on Lacey, like she was her surrogate Shitzu mom or something. Ever since they met, these two animals have really enjoyed each other's company.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Tiny Kitten, Big World
Every animal lover knows, there is nothing cuter than a kitten or a puppy exploring the new world they'll live in, when you first bring them home. Seeing pets cautiously nose around, so curious, yet so unsure, provides pet owners with a lot of photo ops.
Here are some pictures of Rosalie, when she was a kitten, and first came to live with us. She still has those blue eyes, that kittens have when they are very young.

Don't these pictures make you want to adopt a kitten? They are so much fun!
Here are some pictures of Rosalie, when she was a kitten, and first came to live with us. She still has those blue eyes, that kittens have when they are very young.

Don't these pictures make you want to adopt a kitten? They are so much fun!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Meet Lacey, She's a Shitzu

Here she is, playing peek-a-boo with the camera. (You can see Rosalie in the background. She sneaks into a lot of pictures.) Both Lacey, and Rosalie, love to ham it up for the camera. Sometimes they move way to quickly to get a good picture though. Since we are not professional photographers we have to work with what we can get.
Like many pets, all around the world, Lacey lives in the lap of luxury. Lounging around the house all day, napping, and gazing out the window. Doing whatever she wants when she wants. In this photo, she's one pooped pooch, catching an afternoon nap.

Here's a close up of Lacey the pampered Shitzu, to really warm your heart. Enjoying the company of pets, makes your days so much brighter!
Friday, June 4, 2010
Our Cats
Meet our two cats...Wyatt, and Rosalie. Any pet owner will tell you, that each animal has it's own distinct personality, and these two cats are no exception.
This is Wyatt, he's a well mannered,even tempered, tiger cat. He spends some of his time in the house, and some outdoors in the garden, as you can see. He mostly just wants the other animals in the family to leave him alone!

Rosalie, is strictly an indoor cat. She gets into everything, and pokes and prods at everyone. She is very friendly toward our other pets, but she sure gets on their nerves. He she is pretending to hunt a small stuffed bird. Cat toys help keep her occupied.
On some rare occasions, the two cats actually interact with each other. Perfect pet photo opportunities like this don't come every day, so you have to be quick with the camera.

Rosalie, is strictly an indoor cat. She gets into everything, and pokes and prods at everyone. She is very friendly toward our other pets, but she sure gets on their nerves. He she is pretending to hunt a small stuffed bird. Cat toys help keep her occupied.
On some rare occasions, the two cats actually interact with each other. Perfect pet photo opportunities like this don't come every day, so you have to be quick with the camera.

Thursday, June 3, 2010
Dog and Cat Playing Together
This cute film clip of our Shitzu and cat playing together, kind of gives new meaning to the phrase,"like cats and dogs". Being a pet owner is a very rewarding and enjoyable experience...and at times like these, pets really make you smile!
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